Last October we told you that a new era in MTM training in Spain was dawning, as we were offering the first MTM E-Learning platform in the country and all our MTM courses were becoming certified by One-MTM, the most important MTM organisation in the world.
Today we can announce that we have already signed the agreement by which Itemsa becomes an associate member of One-MTM, the first and only in Spain, which will result in important benefits for our clients. Peter Kuhlang, CEO MTM ASSOCIATION e.V.; David Calvo, Itemsa’s CEO; Gabriele Caragnano, Director Operations, Fondazione Ergo and Partner PwC Italy; Ralf Jahnke, Business Director Consulting Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH at the moment of signing the agreement.
Since our foundation, at Itemsa we are pioneers in the specialised training and the qualification of your employees through the transfer of our Know-How. Being committed to remain at the vanguard, we have decided to join One-MTM and offer the best MTM training in the market, the first MTM E-Learning platform in Spain and the training pathways that will allow our students to become certified MTM Practitioners, accredited worldwide.
One-MTM: joining a global network that guarantees results
One-MTM is an international network of partners that supports globally operating companies in the uniform implementation and application of MTM systems. As an associated partner of One-MTM, our customers are therefore assured that we offer state-of-the-art services in the following areas:
- Certified MTM trainings: Training courses available in E-Learning, face-to-face and webinar formats (worldwide, flexible in time and multilingual).
- Constant updating of knowledge and continuous refreshment through recertification.
- Consulting on productivity improvement, Methods and Times and MTM.
- MTM software solutions: Through our pioneering APPRODUCTIVITY4.0 suite.
- Innovation and international cooperation to keep evolving MTM: One-MTM partners jointly develop MTM products and services in training, consultancy, software and research, ensuring their uniform application and dissemination worldwide, which is essential to ensure that our customers always receive the best practices in this area.
Certifications and a new methodology
We believe that it is not only about offering the best specialised training, but also that this training should be provided with the highest international quality standards, while at the same time it should provide the necessary qualifications to be able to apply MTM worldwide.
That is why, from now on, all the courses on the different MTM systems that we will teach in Itemsa are going to be certified by One-MTM, whatever the modality in which they are carried out. These courses will follow the One-MTM training itineraries, specialised in each MTM system, which will allow the student to obtain, upon completion, the One-MTM Blue Card certification as a Practitioner in that system (MTM-1, MTM-2, MTM-UAS, etc.), while guaranteeing a uniform application and dissemination of MTM techniques throughout the world.
And finally, it is about doing so in the easiest and most practical way for the students. That’s why we provide them with an E-Learning platform that gives them autonomy in the training process while allowing them to train at their own pace and needs, and enabling them to become internationally qualified.
One-MTM training itineraries
The structure of the training / certification procedure offered by One-MTM is summarised in the following sketch:
- The MTM-1 Base training course (whether as an open course in a classroom, an in-company training or as an E-Learning course) is the first step in qualifying as an MTM Practitioner. Obviously, the MTM-1 Base course only needs to be taken once.
- The next step would be to choose the most suitable grouped system or systems (MTM-1, MTM-2, MTM-SD, MTM-UAS, MTM-MEK, MTM-Log or EAWS) according to the type of processes of the company and to take the specific 40-hour course, also in any of the 3 modalities in which we offer all the courses.
- At this stage, it is time to opt for the Practitioner certification. This requires an internship with an official instructor. These practical training sessions can also be in-company or in a classroom with students, even from different companies. This is an eminently practical course which also lasts 40 hours. It is recommended to have done some exercises or practice before starting the course.
Once these practices have been completed, the instructor will carry out an evaluation or exam which, if passed by the student, will give him/her the official certification that will enable him/her to carry out MTM analysis in the chosen area of specialisation. - Upon successful completion of this itinerary, the student will receive the Blue Card, which will certify him/her for 3 years in the corresponding system.
MTM’s first E-Learning platform in Spanish*
In partnership with One-MTM, we provide our clients with the first MTM E-Learning platform in Spanish. It manages courses, training programmes and itineraries, support materials (manuals, data tables, exercises, videos for analysis, exams, etc.) and its certifications and their renewals.
As we already anticipated, at Itemsa we offer for the first time in Spain access to a platform of this type, which provides students with the option of training in MTM in E-Learning format, which greatly facilitates the completion of courses and itineraries, as it allows students to take the course when and where they want, while allowing them to design the curriculum that best suits them and/or their company.
*For the time being, the MTM-1 Base and MTM-UAS courses are available in E-Learning format in Spanish, and the rest will be available soon.
That is why we have created a new MTM Training section where you will find all our training offer in this area: