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We offer our Customers the possibility to reach a situation of continuous, sustainable, paid-off improvement, without additional costs. Through knowledge transmission, we make it possible for our Customers to autonomously design and implement improvement programmes, training their management, technicians and senior staff in the use of the necessary techniques and tools, with the aim of keeping our know-how always alive.
Itemsa training programmes have been conceived with the aim of providing its Customers with the necessary capacity to face the challenges of competitiveness of industrial companies and give a quick and effective answer to the constant and accelerated changes of market requirements in terms of costs, quality and service, with the aim of introducing them in the newest strategies, techniques and tools for industrial competitiveness.
The modules on strategies deal with strategic plan, product integrated management, value analysis and management and benchmarking (as disciplines for the optimization of business profitability), the philosophy and specific techniques of Lean Manufacturing (including the necessity for having a motivated internal organization, capable and flexible in any kind of situations) and the implementation of a Plan of enhancement of competitiveness (on the basis of the analysis and evaluation of the starting situation, establishing relevant and reachable objectives, scheduling the necessary actions and ensuring the sufficient participation and personal engagement level of the collaborators).
The techniques module deals with the philosophy and practice of Continuous Improvement (kaizén), with distribution systems in a plant (workshop layouts), the improvement of the working environment in offices (5’S), the analysis and improvement of working methods, the quick change of tools to optimize machine preparation and change of model (SMED), machinery and facilities maintenance (TPM) and improvement teams.
Finally, the tools module deals with the study of work and industrial timing, the introduction to predetermined times systems, the determination of times through MTM-1 and MTM-2, el MTM (Visual Inspection), the allocation of times through MTM-UAS and MTM-Standard Data and the ergonomics.
We help our Customers identify the training needs of their staff, according to the strategic objectives of their Companies and with the collaboration of the staff responsible for the different areas, through the development of the following activities:
- Definition of the list of training needs, following importance and urgency criteria and having into account the available resources.
- Definition of the different jobs and determination of the new technological or qualitative trends that will be required from the personnel.
- Analysis of the employees’ actual performance, comparing the knowledge and skills of each employee with the Company’s objectives and the required profile.
- Determination of the differences between the ideal profile and the present answer of the employee.
- Detection of the necessary training complements, so that the employee performance in his or her job gets close to the wished one.
Itemsa is a founder of the Spanish MTM Association and a member of the IMD-EWD (International MTM Directorate - Ethical Work Design) of which our general director David Calvo is Technical Coordinator. Itemsa has International MTM Instructors, who authorize them to give Official MTM training in any country in the world and consequently can present their students to the official exam that accredits them as MTM Analysts.