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We are convinced that the only way to improve productivity is to implement a cultural change in the company.
At Itemsa we conduct this transformation. We train the staff and align them with the lean management culture. We foster new values in order to expand the transforming inertia.
Itemsa's training is a transfer of know-how.
To share our experience and know-how and to help you change the old way of doing things, we, together with our team of experts, have created a new training model which enables companies that need to manage changes achieve the best results.
For us, "know-how" means that all employees (workers, managers, supporting functions, directors, ...) are perfectly trained as to how to do their job. Any other interpretation is uncompetitive.
Our goal is to empower your team with expertise.
Thanks to our training model which is based on know-how transfer, you and your team will improve continuously. Because we provide you with different types of training to transfer the fundamentals of competitiveness to your employees to apply them to your business.
Public Courses
The courses that we schedule in our training calendar, are face-to-face and/or through Webinars, and their programs are based on universal techniques or methodologies, which are applicable and valid for any type of company, sector and process. This permits them to be held publicly so that different types of profiles from any company can attend and also complement each other by learning how the same methodologies are applied in different companies and sectors.
In-Company Training
If your company has specific needs or if you can count on a sufficient number of students, we offer you tailor-made training.
In-Company training is always adapted to the needs of the company that commissions it and to the reality of the employees who will receive it. They are training programs based on the content of the courses we offer, but with the contents and duration adapted to the needs and specificities of each company.
In order to transfer the know-how and help change the corporate culture, it is necessary to carry out the training with personnel from the same company and, if possible, with real pilot implementations and practical cases from the company itself.
Every organization has its own culture. And each culture requires a specific type of training.
At Itemsa we offer tailor-made courses according to your company's needs. We understand that your team is an ecosystem that shares beliefs, values and practices. We believe that by designing customized training we can add productivity to your ecosystem and make it more agile and effective.
How are our trainings carried out?
Our training and courses are given in three formats: via face-to-face public courses held in our classrooms, at the company's facilities in the case of in-company training and, for both modalities described, via a live webinar with our trainers.
For many years we have provided training in our classrooms and at our customers' facilities and now we wanted to go a step further and offer online training via live webinar, which saves time and costs to the companies that hire it. In addition, there is also a mixed format in which part of the training is carried out in the company (in-company) and another in Itemsa or via webinar.
In the webinar training you will find written documentation in the form of guides and downloadable materials to make the path much easier for you. As it is done live, you and the rest of the students can interact, ask questions and have training very similar to the kind we normally do in our classrooms.
This is a way to learn and receive constant knowledge inputs and be able to apply everything you learn to your specific project.
What exactly do our training courses cover?
In our webinars, face-to-face and in-company training, you find all the information you need in a totally organized and concise way: philosophies and strategies, methodologies, techniques and tools.
Under the guidance of our experienced trainers and with guidelines and written documentation, you will be able to control each of the contents and be in touch with colleagues who, like you, want to be enriched with new points of view. This is a fundamental value that our training model provides: how the same approach can be adapted in its application to other companies whose characteristics have nothing to do with your own.
Remember that innovation always needs a fresh and different point of view and we must be part of the change in order to implement it as it deserves.
We micro-segment knowledge by providing customized value.
How do we do this?
- Adjusting to the client´s needs assessment
- Coherence with the corporate culture of the client enterprises and orderly scheduling (planning of their training activities).
- We work with practical cases which are constantly being updated
- Competent and practical teaching staff, focused on generating changes in the group.
- Search for a quick and effective response, which can be translated into results in the student's performance.
- We offer several levels of in-depth training: basic, intermediate and specialization courses.
- Manuals and educational material created following criteria for structuring texts, composition and presentation.
- Openness to change
- Wide variety of courses, segmented by management areas.
Itemsa offers its customers an applied training system with the following characteristics:
- Renowned management cultures: Lean (agile, lean and flexible production/organization) and Kaizen (continuous improvement).
- Complementary to and as a guarantee of the consultancy actions.
- Aimed at executives, managers, technicians and workers or administrative staff (selected by the client enterprises themselves).
Focused on:
- Effective job performance (quality and productivity).
- Change management in the company (anticipation, innovation and creativity).
- Customer service (internal and external) in terms of quality, cost and delivery time (competitiveness).
- Professional and personal development of human resources (competence management: knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors).
In the setting of:
- An agile, lean and flexible organization ("lean organization").
- Continuous improvement (Kaizen/Learning organization).
- Teamwork (motivation and participation).
- Effective management techniques and tools.
- Fundamentals and theoretical development of the most experienced and efficient techniques (5'S, SMED, TPM, POKA-YOKE's, etc.), with examples from within the company itself.
- Their application to a PILOT EXERCISE, providing advice and technical support.
Itemsa is an associate member of One-MTM, the only one in Spain, which allows us to offer the best specialised training in MTM, with the best international standards. All the training courses will be certified by One-MTM.
In addition, it is important to remember that Itemsa was founder of the Spanish MTM Association and a member of IMD-EWD (International MTM Directorate - Ethical Work Design) of which our directors held executive positions during this time. Itemsa also has International MTM Instructors, which authorises them to give Official MTM training in any country in the world. For this reason, all MTM courses are carried out with Official Instructors and exams and an international official qualification is awarded, endorsed by One-MTM.
And now, for participating in any of our courses you will get a month-long, free and tutored trial of APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0, our Lean and Industry 4.0 software. Try it now!