ITEMSA has more than 30 years experience in solving different problems associated with HR policies in companies (work organisation and incentive schemes such as variable remuneration, individual performance evaluation systems, staff resizing, etc.). And, in this case, also in a key tool for a good working environment such as Job Description and Job Evaluation.
What is Job Description and Job Evaluation?
It is an analytical business method essential to determine the organisational structure of a company and to define the different professional levels of the different employees, thus enabling them to be assigned to a job and a salary structure that is appropriate for the company, their professional level and their job performance.
Thus, it is a key element to have a fair and equitable organisational and salary structure that allows the company to enhance its competitiveness and productivity.
What is the purpose of Job Evaluation?
JE is a key tool for improving business competitiveness, but it is also essential for improving the working environment
Job evaluation makes it possible to establish fair and equitable salary structures that ensure equal remuneration for jobs with similar overall requirements and also allows employees who hold jobs with higher overall requirements to be adequately remunerated.
It is very important to remember that since the entry into force of Royal Decree 902/2020 on equal pay for women and men on 13 October, Job Evaluation is a must for companies. That is why, more than ever, you need to get up to date in this matter and Itemsa is your best ally for this.
Methodology for conducting a Job Evaluation
A good job evaluation system is designed to determine the appropriate salary for a given job, based on an adequate job description (complete and defining the functions and requirements of each job in the company), known as a Job Description (JD). From this point onwards, the remuneration models for each of these jobs can be established.
Thus, in order to implement a correct JE policy, it is essential to have a Job Evaluation Manual.
The most commonly used JE systems are factor analytical systems (or factor point allocation), which are characterised by the fact that they assign specific numerical values to jobs. Each JE manual has its own factors, but these are generally similar throughout the handbook. Each of the defined factors has a series of specified grades to which specific points are assigned in order to construct the rating measurement scale. The sum of the points assigned to the values of each factor described in the manual is used to obtain the relative value of each job. And once this has been established, we can define a fair and equitable pay policy.
How can Itemsa help your company in terms of Job Evaluation?
In addition to our extensive experience in giving support to our clients on this matter, it is important to highlight that Itemsa’s general manager David Calvo and its technical director Albert Calvo are members of the Technical Commission of Work Organisation of the Labour Court of Catalonia (TLC). The most widely used Job Evaluation Manual among companies is, precisely, the one created by this commission of the TLC of which our directors are both members. This provides them with a vast knowledge and a broad vision regarding the performance of Work Organisation studies and, more specifically, in the Analysis, Description and Evaluation of jobs at companies in any sector.
Therefore, Itemsa offers you an integral service in the field of JE which ranges from training to the writing of evaluation manuals or, soon, the implementation of the Job Evaluation module of our suite APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0.
- If you do not already have a Job Evaluation Manual in your company we can create one for you or adapt an existing one if that is the most suitable solution.
- Our team of experts can carry out a Job Evaluation and Job Classification project for your company.
- Our experience also allows us to provide specific training for the people or teams responsible for the implementation or subsequent maintenance of the Job Evaluation or the Joint Committee of Job Evaluation.
- Finally, if the company so desires, we can implement the Job Evaluation module of our suite APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0.
If you want to know in much greater detail what we have to offer in terms of Job Evaluation, then click here. And if you already know that you need to hire a Job Evaluation training or course for your company or you want to explain your situation so that we can explain which service is best suited to your company, please contact us in the form below to request more information.