In addition to the courses and trainings that we teach on a regular basis, in recent months we have been very active in imparting talks and presentations in which we have explained how the transformation towards Industry 4.0 can improve the productivity and competitiveness of your business and we have also presented our lean software for Industry 4.0 –APPRODUCTIVITY4.0-.
On 14th of May we participated in the workshop Marketplace of Industry 4.0 solutions organised by ACCIĆ, as APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 is one of the Industry 4.0 solutions that ACCIĆ offers in its marketplace.
In this conference our general manager David Calvo explained how Itemsa has been helping its customers to improve their competitiveness and profitability for more than 30 years and why it has developed and evolved the APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 software for this purpose.
APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 integrates in a single application all the tools you need to improve the efficiency of your processes, adding value to the work ecosystem.
In the following video you can see the presentation given by David and how our software can help you to improve the productivity of your company:
On the other hand, on 20th of May we held a webinar at the UPM (UniĆ³n Patronal MetalĆŗrgica) where we have talked about improvements in production “Industry 4.0 and Productivity” in which our CEO David Calvo explained the key factors from which Industry 4.0 can help improve the productivity and competitiveness of companies in the metal sector.
In this talk David explained the contribution of Industry 4.0 to:
- Optimise processes, methods and times and the use of available resources in companies.
- Carry out simulations of different possible scenarios, optimised in each case.
- Set standards for each of these possible scenarios.
- Capture data.
- Manage this data, in order to know which data needs to be analysed, where, when and how.
- Define, calculate and monitor KPIs as a basic management and continuous improvement tool, as well as an incentive to improve efficiency and OEE.
- Compare Reality and Standard: detect and track possible deviations between what should be happening and what is actually happening.
- Act to prevent deviations from negatively impacting costs.
- Integrate systems.
And he also presented our APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 software. If you want, you can watch the whole talk in the following video:
This webinar was part of the collaboration agreement that we have signed with the UPM and that also offers other advantages to its associates, such as customised pilot tests of our APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0 software or a modular training programme in productivity improvement tools.
But that’s not all, in recent months we also made a presentation in the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce in which we explained How to optimise productivity in 40 minutes within the conference “Industry 4.0: New challenges and productivity improvement in SMEs” framed in the programme “Diagnosis and support Industry 4.0ā³, of which you can also see the video recording here.