We create opportunities and help to consolidate the cultural change necessary to improve productivity

Case Study IVECO, industrial vehicles manufacturer, and ITEMSA

Technical advice and coaching on Methods-Times Measurement studies

Case Study

A productivity increase higher than 10% in the studied sections is achieved, with the implementation of work organization and methods and times management techniques more appropriate to the Customer's work processes, as well as the commitment of the hierarchical line of command of the Company to the established change of mentality and the legal assurance of the process.


Initial situation

Need to successfully implement the techniques for productivity improvement and the allocation of times in order to improve the processes productivity.


Intervention general plan

Provide the IVECO’s personnel involved in the project with the appropriate knowledge levels regarding work organization, through training and coaching required for achieving the expected objectives, as well as assist the RGI (Production Supervisors) in the implementation of the studies carried out and, if necessary, accompany the Management to defend the started process of change.



  • Train the Work Analysis personnel, the RGI (Production Supervisors) and the members of the Productivity Committee in work organization methodologies.
  • Coach the Analysts (Work Analysis) to implement the first studies with MTM techniques.
  • Implement ItemsaSoft PROCESOS® software -currently called APPRODUCIVITY4.0-, as a tool to improve productivity.
  • Assist the RGI (Production Supervisors) in the implementation of the studies of Methods and Times carried out.
  • Develop a Technical Report regarding the procedure followed by the Company to implement the techniques of work organization and go to Court to confirm it.


Provide the Company with methodologies, techniques and tools to significantly and continuously improve the plant productivity.



  • Effective implementation of the selected work organization techniques.
  • Commitment of the hierarchic line of command of the Company with the established change of mentality
  • Legality control for the legal assurance of the implemented process.


Productivity improvement of the studied sections.