Work organization and productivity techniques and tools

Techniques and tools to increase the levels of productivity and business quality

In the courses and training in this area we focus on providing attendees with techniques and tools to improve business productivity.

How to establish and maintain a climate of permanent interest throughout the organisation to improve results, how to achieve a more effective and profitable use of facilities and machinery or how to ensure the implementation and permanent updating of the methods and correct work execution times, without negative repercussions on the work environment. How to improve the productivity of the company and business quality.

You can consult below the courses that we teach in this area. These courses are available to be taken on the dates announced in the course calendar and are also available via in-company training and via webinar.

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Introduction to Industrial Timing

How to go into work measurement techniques to direct and channel with guarantees the implementation and continuous updating of correct work execution methods and times, avoiding a negative impact in the labour climate and the incentive systems of the Company.

Duration: 24 Hours

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Study of Work and industrial timing

How to ensure the implementation and continuous updating of correct methods and times of work execution, avoiding a negative impact in the labour climate and the incentives systems of the Company.

Duration: 40 Hours

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Working Methods Analysis and Improvement

How to identify the improvement opportunities of any productive process and achieve that the Organization really benefits from the opportunities selected, by using methodologies that guarantee the implementation success (criteria to select the tasks that can be improved, studies, tests and trials, supporting tools, etc).

Duration: 20 Hours

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Jobs design: productivity and ergonomics

How to adapt work systems to operators and products to their consumers or users (jobs and products design and redesign) so that the necessary productivity objective can be compatible with the workers’ required safety and reasonable comfort.

Duration: 21 Hours

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Activity Assessment

To enable participants to objectively evaluate the activity that a worker is carrying out at any given moment so that the timing technician can correctly determine the allocated time and the demandable production in the practice of industrial timing.

Duration: 4 Hours

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SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) Quick change of tools to optimize preparations

How to optimize machinery and facilities profitability, dramatically reducing the time used in serial or product changes as well as in machine preparations, through the correct application of the SMED technique. We study the necessity for using this technique, its principles and how it works, its advantages, etc, with practical exercises and the development of a complete implementation.

Duration: 16 Hours

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Workshops and offices improvement techniques

How to make operators and workshop and office managers aware of the three basic pillars of Lean Manufacturing:
  • The standardization.
  • The training of operators for versatility.
  • The application of 5S and SMED.
Duration: 24 Hours
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Workshops work environment improvement: 5S technique

How to promote and stimulate a new mental attitude to help the successfully implementation of significant changes in your workshops organization, creating and maintaining a clean, organized and safe work environment, using the 5S Japanese philosophy, apt to improve workers’ quality of life as well as the operative effectiveness and quality levels.

Duration: 9 Hours

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Offices work environment improvement: 5S technique

How to create and maintain a clean, ordered and safe working environment in your Technical Services and Studies and Administration Offices, to provide the continuous quality and productivity improvement, promoting and developing team spirit, sense of organization and respect for rules and procedures.

Duration: 16 Hours

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Improving the Warehouse Work Environment: The 5S Technique

We train participants on how to create and maintain a clean, organized and safe working environment in a warehouse by applying the Japanese 5S philosophy.

Duration: 12 Hours

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Operations standardization and workers training for polyvalence

How to standardize operations and continuously ensure the objectives of Quality, Cost and Deadline, in a safe and ergonomic environment. This standardization is crucial, so that all workers acquire the same theoretical and practical knowledge with minimum differences.

This knowledge is the basis for the worker’s development, according to a rigorous and gradually expandable training procedure, in order to enable him or her to perform several jobs with satisfactory quality, productivity and safety levels.

Duration: 16 hours

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Boosting the 3 basic pillars of the Workshop (5'S + operations standardisation + multi-skilled workers).

To introduce and train attendees in the 5S philosophy in order to apply it to the standardisation of operations and the training of employees to be able to perform different job roles.

Duration: 84 hours

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Problem solving and decision making techniques

How to accurately define a problem, using objective and truthful information, and then proceed to its resolution by searching for and eliminating the root causes, using the QCS procedure (8D) and the classic quality tools.

How to select the most suitable activities for the elimination of the causes, using an adjusted decision-making procedure.

Duration: 12 Hours

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Improvement teams

How to create powerful and built-in improvement teams to ensure the continuous increase of productivity and competitiveness of your Company, reinforcing the Management leadership role and the motivation and creativity values of their members.

Duration: 15 Hours

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Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

How to achieve a more effective and profitable use of the Company facilities and machinery through the implementation of the TPM techniques which help to reduce maintenance costs, increase the productive equipment availability and efficiency and improve the personnel motivation (thanks to their responsibility in the planned periodic maintenance and in the preventive maintenance performed in non-production moments).

Duration: 12 Hours

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Continuous Improvement (KAIZEN)

How to establish and maintain in your organization a climate of continuous interest in improving the Company results, increasing productivity and quality levels, standardizing operations, improving methods and reducing times and costs, by systematically applying the most modern and effective management techniques.

Duration: 20 Hours

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“Just In Time” (JIT)

How to adapt your Company to the Customer’s flexibility and service changing requirements:
  • Reducing stocks and transformation costs.
  • Ensuring quality.
  • Shortening the delivery time by using the Just In Time philosophy and implementing management and motivation techniques of this advanced operative system.
Duration: 20 Hours
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Workshops Plant Layout

How to analyze the different plant layout possibilities of your Company workshops, selecting the best one to solve the delicate balance between execution time and cost, improving the productive process rationality, the facilities smooth running and maintenance, product quality, safety at work, etc in an operative environment of tight and flexible flow.

Duration: 15 Hours

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Techniques for the optimization of the materials flow and internal stocks in the processes

How to use JIT (Just-In-Time) concepts and techniques to improve the materials flow and reduce stocks by standardizing the number of pieces in each container (Kanban – quantities by reference and type of container), Lay Out improvement techniques, WIP (Work In Process) definition and standardization, etc.

Duration: 40 Hours