Necessity for change towards the Lean: the most appropriate planning and management techniques

Lean Manufacturing Courses

Necessity for change towards the Lean: the most appropriate planning and management techniques

Lean Manufacturing Courses

How to execute the transition to Lean Manufacturing by formulating a set of yearly strategic goals and involving every individual in fulfilling them (through dedication and discipline) in their respective roles, by using KAIZEN methodologies, and by consistently implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle.

The move towards Lean Manufacturing presents a significant opportunity in a competitive market where accessing the resources necessary to deliver a product or service can be challenging.

It is essential for companies to develop sophisticated production systems that decrease internal needs and enhance efficiency, productivity, and agility.

The objective of the Necessity for change towards the Lean: the most appropriate planning and management techniques is:

To comprehend and implement an appropriate Lean Manufacturing procedure and set up a strategic planning system for achieving long and medium term objectives (three-year, two-year or annual plan). This manner of planning will be from management down to the shop floor.

This course is aimed at:

  • Industrial Managers and Directors.
  • Managers of Production, Quality, Production Engineering, Methods and Times, Logistics.
  • Planning Managers.
  • Production Managers.
  • Quality Managers.
  • Organization Technicians.
  • Methods and Time Technicians.


Duration: 30 hours.

Course taught by:

Albert Calvo
Albert Calvo
Technical Director at ITEMSA

More than 25 years leading and participating in consultancy projects and trainings.

David Calvo
David Calvo
General Manager at ITEMSA and CEO at APPRODUCTIVITY4.0

More than 30 years leading and participating in consultancy projects, trainings and development of computer applications (APPRODUCTIVITY 4.0).

Julián Caballero
Julián Caballero
Project Director at ITEMSA

More than 20 years leading and participating in consultancy projects and trainings.

 Rafael Padilla
Rafael Padilla
Project Director at ITEMSA

More than 20 years leading and participating in consultancy projects and trainings.

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